- The review process is now complete: 103 contributions have been accepted as workshop papers. They will be published in the Companion Volume (and hence in the Digital Library) and presented during the workshop sessions of the conference.
- Search the list below by typing text in the column headers.
- The Papers Submission Instructions are still available for your information.
List of Accepted Workshop Papers
Track | Title | Authors |
WS - QD-Benchmarks | A Collection of Quality Diversity Optimization Problems Derived from Hyperparameter Optimization of Machine Learning Models | Lennart Schneider (LMU Munich), Florian Pfisterer (LMU Munich), Janek Thomas (LMU Munich), Bernd Bischl (LMU Munich) |
WS - QD-Benchmarks | A discretization-free metric for assessing Quality Diversity algorithms | Paul Kent (University of Warwick), Juergen Branke (Warwick Business School), Jean-Baptiste Mouret (Inria, CNRS, Université de Lorraine), Adam Gaier (Autodesk Research) |
WS - QuantOpt | A Novel Quantum-inspired Evolutionary Computation-based Quantum Circuit Synthesis for Various Universal Gate Libraries | Yao-Hsin Chou (National Chi Nan University), Shu-Yu Kuo (National Chung Hsing University), Yu-Chi Jiang (National Taiwan University), Ching-Hsuan Wu (National Chi Nan University), Jyun-Yi Shen (National Chi Nan University), Cheng-Yen Hua (National Chi Nan University), Pei-Shin Huang (National Chi Nan University), Yun-Ting Lai (National Chi Nan University), Yong Feng Tong (National Chi Nan University) |
WS - LEOL | Accelerating Genetic Algorithm Evolution Via Ant-Based Mutation and Crossover for Application to Large-scale TSPs | Darren Chitty (University of Exeter) |
WS - QuantOpt | Algorithmic QUBO Formulations for k-SAT and Hamiltonian Cycles | Jonas Nüßlein (LMU Munich), Thomas Gabor (LMU Munich), Claudia Linnhoff-Popien (LMU Munich), Sebastian Feld (TU Delft) |
WS - IAM | Algorithmically-Guided Postharvest Protocols by Experimental Combinatorial Optimization | Ofer Shir (Tel-Hai College, The Galilee Research Institute - Migal), Boris Yazmir (The Galilee Research Institute - Migal), Assaf Israeli (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, The Galilee Research Institute - Migal), Dan Gamrasni (Tel-Hai College, The Galilee Research Institute - Migal) |
WS - GI | Amaru - A Framework for combining Genetic Improvement with Pattern Mining | Oliver Krauss (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria) |
WS - ECXAI | An Explainable Visualisation of the Evolutionary Search Process | Mathew Walter (University of Plymouth), David Walker (University of Plymouth), Matthew Craven (University of Plymouth) |
WS - IWLCS | An Overview of LCS Research from 2021 to 2022 | Michael Heider (Universität Augsburg), David Pätzel (Universität Augsburg), Alexander Wagner (University of Hohenheim) |
WS - Student | Analysis of Neutral Rewrite Operator Effects on Arithmetic Domain | Dmytro Vitel (University of South Florida), Alessio Gaspar (University of South Florida) |
WS - EQUM | Approaching Epistemic and Aleatoric uncertainty with Evolutionary Optimization: Examples and Challenges | Josu Ceberio (Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU), Juan Cortés (Universitat Politècnica de València), Francisco Fernández de Vega (Universidad de Extremadura), Óscar Garnica (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), José Hidalgo (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), José Velasco (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Rafael Villanueva (Universitat Politècnica de València) |
WS - QD-Benchmarks | Assessing Quality-Diversity NeuroEvolution Algorithms Performance in Hard Exploration Problems | Felix Chalumeau (InstaDeep), Thomas Pierrot (InstaDeep), Valentin Macé (InstaDeep), Arthur Flajolet (InstaDeep), Karim Beguir (InstaDeep), Antoine Cully (Imperial College), Nicolas Perrin-Gilbert (CNRS) |
WS - GI | Automatically Exploring Computer System Design Spaces | Bobby Bruce (UC Davis) |
WS - QuantOpt | AutoQubo: Data-driven automatic QUBO generation | Alberto Moraglio (University of Exeter), Serban Georgescu (Fujitsu Research of Europe), Przemysław Sadowski (Fujitsu Research of Europe) |
WS - BBOB | Benchmarking MAg-ES and BP- MAg-ES on the bbob-constrained Testbed | Michael Hellwig (Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences), Hans-Georg Beyer (Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences) |
WS - BBOB | Benchmarking an algorithm for expensive high-dimensional objectives on the bbob and bbob-largescale testbeds | Zachary Hoffman (STR), Steve Huntsman (STR) |
WS - BBOB | Benchmarking CMA-ES with Margin on the bbob-mixint Testbed | Ryoki Hamano (Yokohama National University), Shota Saito (Yokohama National University; SkillUp AI Co., Ltd.), Masahiro Nomura (CyberAgent, Inc.), Shinichi Shirakawa (Yokohama National University) |
WS - BBOB | Benchmarking of Two Implementations of CMA-ES with Diagonal Decoding on the bbob Test Suite | Mohamed GHARAFI (Inria Saclay–Île-de-France, École Polytechnique) |
WS - QD-Benchmarks | Benchmarking Quality-Diversity Algorithms on Neuroevolution for Reinforcement Learning | Manon Flageat (Imperial College), Bryan Lim (Imperial College), Luca Grillotti (Imperial College), Maxime Allard (Imperial College), Simòn Smith (Imperial College), Antoine Cully (Imperial College) |
WS - BBOB | Benchmarking several strategies to update the penalty parameters in AL-CMA-ES on the bbob-constrained testbed | Paul Dufossé (Inria, Thales DMS), Asma Atamna (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) |
WS - BBOB | Benchmarking some variants of the CMAES-APOP using Keeping Search Points and Mirrored Sampling combined with Active CMA on the BBOB Noiseless Testbed | Duc Manh Nguyen (Hanoi National University of Education) |
WS - BBOB | Benchmarking the Hooke-Jeeves Method, MTS-LS1, and BSrr on the Large-scale BBOB Function Set | Ryoji Tanabe (Yokohama National University, RIKEN) |
WS - SymReg | Bingo: A Customizable Framework for Symbolic Regression with Genetic Programming | David Randall (University of Utah), Tyler Townsend (Microsoft), Jacob Hochhalter (University of Utah), Geoffrey Bomarito (NASA Langley Research Center) |
WS - SecDef | Chaos Engineering: Stress-Testing Algorithms to Facilitate Resilient Strategic Military Planning | Samuel Migirditch (Metron, Inc), John Asplund (Metron, Inc), William Curran (Metron, Inc) |
WS - SymReg | Coefficient Mutation in the Gene-pool Optimal Mixing Evolutionary Algorithm for Symbolic Regression | Marco Virgolin (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica), Peter Bosman (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI)) |
WS - Student | Coevolution of Neural Networks for Agents and Environments | Estelle Chigot (University of Toulouse), Dennis Wilson (University of Toulouse) |
WS - EGML-EC | COIL: Constrained Optimization in Learned Latent Space: Learning Representations for Valid Solutions | Peter Bentley (University College London, Autodesk), Soo Ling Lim (University College London), Adam Gaier (Autodesk), Linh Tran (Autodesk) |
WS - BBOB | Constrained blackbox optimization with the NOMAD solver on the COCO constrained test suite | Charles Audet (Polytechnique Montreal, GERAD), Sébastien Le Digabel (Polytechnique Montreal, GERAD), Ludovic Salomon (Polytechnique Montreal, GERAD), Christophe Tribes (Polytechnique Montreal, GERAD) |
WS - SecDef | CyberEvo: Evolutionary Search of Knowledge-based Behaviors in a Cyber Attack Campaign | Stephen Moskal (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Erik Hemberg (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Una-May O'Reilly (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) |
WS - EC+DM | Desirable Properties of Performance Indicators for Assessing Interactive Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization Methods | Pouya Aghaei Pour (University of Jyväskylä), Sunith Bandaru (University of Skövde), Bekir Afsar (University of Jyväskylä), Kaisa Miettinen (University of Jyväskylä) |
WS - GI | Dissecting Copy/Delete/Replace/Swap mutations: Insights from a GIN Case Study | Sherlock Licorish (University of Otago), Markus Wagner (School of Computer Science, The University of Adelaide) |
WS - EAHPC | Dynamic Computational Resource Allocation for CFD Simulations Based on Pareto Front Optimization | Gašper Petelin (Jožef Stefan Institute), Margarita Antoniou (Jožef Stefan Institute), Gregor Papa (Jožef Stefan Institute) |
WS - EvoSoft | DynStack - A Benchmark for Dynamic Optimization Problems in Warehouse Operations | Andreas Beham (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria), Sebastian Leitner (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Johannes Kepler University), Johannes Karder (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Johannes Kepler University), Bernhard Werth (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Johannes Kepler University), Stefan Wagner (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria) |
WS - QuantOpt | Enhancing a QUBO solver via Data Driven Multi-start and its Application to Vehicle Routing Problem | Whei Yeap Suen (Singapore Management University), Matthieu Parizy (Fujitsu Ltd.), Hoong Chuin Lau (Singapore Management University) |
WS - GI | Evaluation of Genetic Improvement Tools for Improvement of Non-functional Properties of Software | Shengjie Zuo (University College London), Aymeric Blot (University College London), Justyna Petke (University College London) |
WS - NEWK | Evolution of Activation Functions for Deep Learning-Based Image Classification | Raz Lapid (Ben-Gurion University), Moshe Sipper (Ben-Gurion University) |
WS - EQUM | Evolutionary Approach to Model Calibration with Uncertainty: An Application to Breast Cancer Growth Model | Carlos Andreu-Vilarroig (Universitat Politècnica de València), Josu Cebeiro (Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU), Juan-Carlos Cortés (Universitat Politècnica de València), Francisco Fernández de Vega (Universidad de Extremadura), José-Ignacio Hidalgo (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Rafael-Jacinto Villanueva (Universitat Politècnica de València) |
WS - QuantOpt | Evolutionary Quantum Architecture Search for Parametrized Quantum Circuits | Li Ding (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Lee Spector (Amherst College, University of Massachusetts Amherst) |
WS - Student | Evolutionary Training of Deep Neural Networks on Heterogeneous Computing Environments | Subodh Kalia (Syracuse University), Chilukuri Mohan (Syracuse University), Ramakrishna Nemani (BAER Institute) |
WS - ECXAI | Evolving Explainable Rule Sets | Hormoz Shahrzad (Cognizant, The University of Texas at Austin), Babak Hodjat (Cognizant), Risto Miikkulainen (Cognizant, The University of Texas at Austin) |
WS - EGML-EC | Evolving SimGANs to Improve Abnormal Electrocardiogram Classification | Gabriel Wang (Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia Tech Research Institute), Anish Thite (Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia Tech Research Institute), Rodd Talebi (Georgia Tech Research Institute), Anthony D'Achille (Georgia Tech Research Institute), Alex Mussa (Georgia Tech Research Institute), Jason Zutty (Georgia Tech Research Institute) |
WS - AABOH | Exactly characterizable parameter setings in a crossoverless evolutionary algorithm | Levi Koppenhol (University of Amsterdam), Nielis Brouwer (University of Amsterdam), Danny Dijkzeul (University of Amsterdam), Iris Pijning (University of Amsterdam), Joeri Sleegers (Mice&Man), Daan van den Berg (VU University Amsterdam) |
WS - AABOH | Examining Algorithm Behavior using Recurrence Quantification and Landscape Analyses | Mario Munoz Acosta (The University of Melbourne; ARC Centre in Optimisation Technologies, Integrated Methodologies and Applications) |
WS - EGML-EC | Exploring Expression-based Generative Adversarial Networks | Francisco Baeta (University of Coimbra), João Correia (University of Coimbra), Tiago Martins (University of Coimbra), Penousal Machado (University of Coimbra) |
WS - EvoSoft | Facilitating the Hybridization of Parallel Evolutionary Algorithms in Cluster Computing Environments | Hatem Khalloof (Karlsruher Institut fürTechnologie (KIT), IAI), Sergen Ciftci (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Shadi Shahoud (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Clemens Düpmeier (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Kevin Förderer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Veit Hagenmeyer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) |
WS - SecDef | Feature Encoding with Autoencoder and Differential Evolution for Network Intrusion Detection using Machine Learning | Miguel Leon (Malardalen University), Tijana Markovic (Malardalen University), Sasikumar Punnekkat (Malardalen University) |
WS - Student | Genetic Algorithm Cleaning in Sequential Data Mining: Analyzing Solutions to Parsons’ Puzzles | Kok Cheng Tan (University of South Florida), Daniel Zantedeschi (University of South Florida), Amruth Kumar (Ramapo College of New Jersey), Alessio Gaspar (University of South Florida) |
WS - GI | Genetic Improvement in the Shackleton Framework for Optimizing LLVM Pass Sequences | Shuyue Stella Li (Department of Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University), Hannah Peeler (Arm Ltd.), Andrew Sloss (Arm Ltd.), Kenneth Reid (Department of Animal Science, Michigan State University; BEACON Center for the Study of Evolution, Michigan State University), Wolfgang Banzhaf (Department of Compute Science and Engineering, Michigan State University; BEACON Center for the Study of Evolution, Michigan State University) |
WS - GI | Genetic Improvement of Shoreline Evolution Forecasting Models | Mahmoud Al Najar (The French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), CNES/ISAE-SUPAERO), Rafael Almar (The French Research Institute for Development (IRD), LEGOS), Erwin Bergsma (The French Space Agency (CNES)), Jean-Marc Delvit (The French Space Agency (CNES)), Dennis Wilson (ISAE-SUPAERO, University of Toulouse) |
WS - SymReg | Genetic Programming with Stochastic Gradient Descent Revisited: Initial Findings on SRBench | Grant Dick (University of Otago) |
WS - Student | GUI-Based, Efficient Genetic Programming For Unity3D | Robert Gold (MIT), Andrew Grant (MIT), Erik Hemberg (MIT), Chathika Gunaratne (MIT), Una-May O'Reilly (MIT) |
WS - NEWK | Heed the Noise in Performance Evaluations in Neural Architecture Search | Arkadiy Dushatskiy (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI)), Tanja Alderliesten (Leiden University Medical Center), Peter Bosman (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), Delft University of Technology) |
WS - LEOL | High-performance Cartesian Genetic Programming on GPU for the Inference of Gene Regulatory Networks using scRNA-Seq Time-Series Data | Luciana Prachedes (Federal University of Juiz de Fora), José Eduardo da Silva (Federal University of Juiz de Fora), Heder Bernardino (Federal University of Juiz de Fora), Itamar de Oliveira (Federal University of Juiz de Fora) |
WS - QuantOpt | Hybrid Quantum-Classical Heuristic for the Bin Packing Problem | Mikel Garcia de Andoin (University of the Basque Country, TECNALIA), Eneko Osaba (TECNALIA), Izaskun Oregi (TECNALIA), Esther Villar Rodríguez (TECNALIA), Mikel Sanz (University of the Basque Country, IKERBASQUE) |
WS - QD-Benchmarks | Hypervolume-based Benchmark Functions for Quality Diversity Algorithms | Jean-Baptiste Mouret (Inria, Université de Lorraine) |
WS - ECXAI | Improving the Search of Learning Classifier Systems Through Interpretable Feature Clustering | Hayden Andersen (Victoria University of Wellington), Andrew Lensen (Victoria University of Wellington), Will Browne (Queensland University of Technology) |
WS - SymReg | Interaction-Transformation Evolutionary Algorithm with coefficients optimization | Guilherme Imai Aldeia (Federal University of ABC), Fabrício de França (Federal University of ABC) |
WS - EC+DM | Interactive Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization with Modular Physical User Interface | Atanu Mazumdar (University of Jyväskylä), Stefan Otayagich (University of Jyväskylä), Kaisa Miettinen (University of Jyväskylä) |
WS - EC+DM | Interactive MOEA/D with Multiple Types of Preference Information | Giomara Larraga Maldonado (University of Jyväskylä), Kaisa Miettinen (University of Jyväskylä) |
WS - ECXAI | Interpretable AI for policy-making in pandemics | Leonardo Custode (University of Trento), Giovanni Iacca (University of Trento) |
WS - EvoSoft | JGEA: a Modular Java Framework for Experimenting with Evolutionary Computation | Eric Medvet (DIA, University of Trieste, Italy), Giorgia Nadizar (DMG, University of Trieste, Italy), Luca Manzoni (DMG, University of Trieste, Italy) |
WS - EvoRL | Learning to acquire novel cognitive tasks with evolution, plasticity and meta-meta-learning | Thomas Miconi (ML Collective) |
WS - GI | Leveraging Fuzzy System to Reduce Uncertainty of Decision Making in Software Engineering Automation | Yueke Zhang (Southwest University), Yu Huang (Vanderbilt University) |
WS - LEOL | Lexicase Selection at Scale | Li Ding (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Ryan Boldi (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Thomas Helmuth (Hamilton College), Lee Spector (Amherst College, University of Massachusetts Amherst) |
WS - QuantOpt | Modifying the Quantum-Assisted Genetic Algorithm | Thomas Gabor (LMU Munich), Michael Lachner (Aqarios GmbH), Nico Kraus (Aqarios GmbH), Christoph Roch (LMU Munich), Jonas Stein (LMU Munich), Daniel Ratke (Aqarios GmbH), Claudia Linnhoff-Popien (LMU Munich) |
WS - SAEOpt | Mono-surrogate vs Multi-surrogate in Multi-objective Bayesian Optimisation | Tinkle Chugh (University of Exeter) |
WS - IAM | Multi-depot periodic vehicle routing with variable visit patterns | Vinicius Gandra (KU Leuven), Carlo S. Sartori (KU Leuven), Hatice Çalik (KU Leuven), Pieter Smet (KU Leuven) |
WS - Student | Multi-Objective Recommender System for Corporate MOOC | Mounir Hafsa (Mandarine Academy, Université de Lille), Pamela Wattebled (Mandarine Academy), Julie Jacques (ICL - FGES, University of Lille, CNRS; Centrale Lille UMR 9189 - CRIStAL), Laetitia Jourdan (Université de Lille; CNRS, Centrale Lille UMR 9189 - CRIStAL) |
WS - EGML-EC | Multi-target evolutionary latent space search of a generative adversarial network for human face generation | Benjamín Machín (Universidad de la República), Sergio Nesmachnow (Universidad de la República), Jamal Toutouh (Universidad de Málaga) |
WS - EvoRL | On the Effect of the Sampling Ratio of Past Trajectories in the Combination of Evolutionary Algorithm and Deep Reinforcement Learning | Yasen Wang (University of Tsukuba), Youhei Akimoto (University of Tsukuba, RIKEN AIP) |
WS - NEWK | On the Impact of Body Material Properties on Neuroevolution for Embodied Agents: the Case of Voxel-based Soft Robots | Eric Medvet (DIA, University of Trieste, Italy), Giorgia Nadizar (DMG, University of Trieste, Italy), Federico Pigozzi (DIA, University of Trieste, Italy) |
WS - IAM | One-Shot Optimization for Vehicle Dynamics Control Systems: Towards Benchmarking and Exploratory Landscape Analysis | André Thomaser (Leiden University, BMW Group), Anna Kononova (Leiden University), Marc-Eric Vogt (BMW Group), Thomas Bäck (Leiden University) |
WS - GI | Opportunities for Genetic Improvement of Cryptographic Code | Chitchanok Chuengsatiansup (The University of Adelaide), Markus Wagner (School of Computer Science, The University of Adelaide), Yuval Yarom (The University of Adelaide) |
WS - EC+DM | Preliminary Results of Advanced Heuristic Optimization in the Risk-based Energy Scheduling Competition | Jose Almeida (GECAD Research Center, Polytechnic of Porto), Fernando Lezama (GECAD Research Center, Polytechnic of Porto), Joao Soares (GECAD Research Center, Polytechnic of Porto), Zita Vale (GECAD Research Center, Polytechnic of Porto), Bruno Canizes (GECAD Research Center, Polytechnic of Porto) |
WS - IWLCS | Preliminary Tests of an Anticipatory Classifier System with Experience Replay | Olgierd Unold (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology), Norbert Kozłowski (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, 0000-0003-4873-6730), Łukasz Śmierzchała (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology) |
WS - QuantOpt | Probabilistic reasoning as Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization | Marco Baioletti (University of Perugia) |
WS - EQUM | Probability Density Function Computation in Evolutionary Model Calibration with Uncertainty | Vicente Bevia (Universitat Politècnica de València) |
WS - GI | Py2Cy: A Genetic Improvement Tool To Speed Up Python | James Zhong (University College London), Max Hort (University College London), Federica Sarro (University College London) |
WS - QD-Benchmarks | QD Benchmark: planar arm | Antoine Cully (Imperial College), Adam Gaier (Autodesk Research), Jean-Baptiste Mouret (Inria, Université de Lorraine) |
WS - QuantOpt | Quantum Neuron Selection: Finding High Performing Subnetworks With Quantum Algorithms | Tim Whitaker (Colorado State University) |
WS - QuantOpt | Quantum Parametric Circuit Optimization with Estimation of Distribution Algorithms | Vicente P. Soloviev (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), Pedro Larrañaga (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), Concha Bielza (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) |
WS - EC+DM | R-MBO: A Multi-surrogate Approach for Preference Incorporation in Multi-objective Bayesian Optimisation | Tinkle Chugh (University of Exeter) |
WS - EvoSoft | Recent developments in HNCO | Arnaud Berny (Independent researcher) |
WS - ECADA | Reinforcement learning based adaptive metaheuristics | Michele Tessari (University of Trento), Giovanni Iacca (University of Trento) |
WS - EvoRL | Safety-Informed Mutations for Evolutionary Deep Reinforcement Learning | Enrico Marchesini (Northeastern University), Christopher Amato (Northeastern University) |
WS - AABOH | Survivor Selection in a Crossoverless Evolutionary Algorithm | Nielis Brouwer (University of Amsterdam), Danny Dijkzeul (University of Amsterdam), Levi Koppenhol (University of Amsterdam), Iris Pijning (University of Amsterdam), Daan van den Berg (Yamasan Science&Education) |
WS - QuantOpt | Techniques to Enhance a QUBO Solver For Permutation-Based Combinatorial Optimization | Siong Thye Goh (Singapore Management University, Institute of High Performance Computing), Jianyuan Bo (Singapore Management University), Sabrish Gopalakrishnan (Singapore Management University), Hoong Chuin Lau (Singapore Management University) |
WS - QuantOpt | The Applicability of Reinforcement Learning for the Automatic Generation of State Preparation Circuits | Thomas Gabor (LMU Munich), Maximilian Zorn (LMU Munich), Claudia Linnhoff-Popien (LMU Munich) |
WS - GI | The case for Grammatical Evolution in test generation | Aidan Murphy (University College Dublin, Lero), Thomas Laurent (University College Dublin, Lero), Anthony Ventresque (University College Dublin, Lero) |
WS - AABOH | The Effect of Decoding Fairness on Particle Swarm Optimization for the p-Median Problem | Pavel Kromer (VSB-TU Ostrava), Vojtech Uher (VSB-TU Ostrava) |
WS - ECXAI | The intersection of Evolutionary Computation and Explainable AI | Jaume Bacardit (Newcastle University), Alexander Brownlee (University of Stirling), Stefano Cagnoni (University of Parma), Giovanni Iacca (University of Trento), John McCall (Robert Gordon University), David Walker (University of Plymouth) |
WS - BENCHMARKING | Title | Tea Tušar (Jožef Stefan Institute) |
WS - GI | Towards evolution-based autonomy in large-scale systems | Damien Anderson (University of Strathclyde), Paul Harvey (Rakuten Mobile), Yusaku Kaneta (Rakuten Mobile), Petros Papadopoulos (University of Strathclyde), Philip Rodgers (Rakuten Mobile), Marc Roper (University of Strathclyde) |
WS - ECXAI | Towards Explainable Metaheuristic: Mining Surrogate Fitness Models for Importance of Variables | Manjinder Singh (University of Stirling), Alexander Brownlee (University of Stirling), David Cairns (University of Stirling) |
WS - Student | Towards Landscape-aware Parameter Tuning for the (1+(λ,λ)) Genetic Algorithm for Permutations | Alexandr Smirnov (ITMO University), Vladimir Mironovich (ITMO University) |
WS - QD-Benchmarks | Towards QD-suite: developing a set of benchmarks for Quality-Diversity algorithms | Achkan Salehi (Sorbonne University), Stephane Doncieux (Sorbonne University) |
WS - ECXAI | Towards the Evolutionary Assessment of Neural Transformers Trained on Source Code | Martina Saletta (University Milano-Bicocca), Claudio Ferretti (University Milano-Bicocca) |
WS - SymReg | Uncertainty in Equation Learning | Matthias Werner (University of Tübingen), Andrej Junginger (ETAS GmbH, Bosch Group), Philipp Hennig (University of Tübingen), Georg Martius (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen, Germany) |
WS - Student | Untangling phylogenetic diversity's role in evolutionary computation using a suite of diagnostic fitness landscapes | Shakiba Shahbandegan (Michigan State University), Jose Hernandez (Michigan State University), Alexander Lalejini (University of Michigan), Emily Dolson (Michigan State University) |
WS - AABOH | Using Structural Bias to Analyse the Behaviour of Modular CMA-ES | Diederick Vermetten (Leiden University), Fabio Caraffini (De Montfort University), Bas van Stein (Leiden University), Anna Kononova (Leiden University) |
WS - ECADA | Why Functional Program Synthesis Matters (In the Realm of Genetic Programming) | Fraser Garrow (Heriot-Watt University), Michael Lones (Heriot-Watt University), Robert Stewart (Heriot-Watt University) |
WS - IWLCS | XCS on Embedded Systems: An Analysis of Execution Profiles and Accelerated Classifier Deletion | Mathis Brede (Paderborn University), Tim Hansmeier (Paderborn University), Marco Platzner (Paderborn University) |
WS - IWLCS | XCSF under Limited Supervision | Markus Görlich-Bucher (University of Augsburg), Jörg Hähner (University of Augsburg) |